Local - ON-GOOGLE-MAPS Factor

This JSON contains the basic data of the referring establishment on Google Maps linked by its website. Below have an example using the website and domain name as search principle in the GUI. The establishment, even having more than one location, it return the first result of it. If nothing is found, then returns null.

latitudeDoubleGeographic Latitude position of the referring establishment page on Google Maps.
longitudeDoubleGeographic Longitude position of the referring establishment page on Google Maps.
nameStringName of the referring establishment page on Google Maps.
addressStringAddress location of the referring establishment page on Google Maps.
phoneStringPhone of the referring establishment page on Google Maps.
websiteStringURL of the page where the location is found.
reviewsIntegerReviews of the referring establishment page located on Google+.
ratingDoubleRating of the referring establishment page located on Google+. Return null if the rating is zero.
industryStringType of industry that the referring establishment page follows.
openedStringCheck in what hours the referring establishment in open.
descriptionStringReferring page description inserted on Google Maps.